Medusa Hat

A few weeks ago, a friend asked if it would be possible to knit a Medusa hat. The best I could come up with was: I can try!

Spent a little bit of time trying to think of what the best way to do things would be, made the hat base, and made some snakes. Set the snakes in the hat, tied the hat shut, put it up so I could work on a scarf (that was meant to be a Christmas present).

And promptly lost the hat/snakes.

The original set of colours when I started. Jamie and I have come to the conclusion that Gnomes ate it.

I also had to contend with Snooch, who firmly believes that all yarn is his plaything.

But, on the plus side, since I got to redo all the snake bases, I got to use sparkly yarn (muwahahaha)

And yes, I was watching Doctor Who while finishing up the bases (yay for Netflix)

They look like little squid.

Putting in the eyes and bendy-bits was really tedious.

Using a teddy bear to hold up the hat while putting the snakes on makes it…better than if I had to get Jamie to sit down and make marks on the hat for where the snakes would have to go.

And finished.

Now if I can get a photo of our friend wearing the hat, it will be awesome.

I sent him a text to let him know it was done, the only thing that is keeping it from him is us trying to meet up at some point. He seemed really excited.

I posted a photo of it on Facebook and my boss had said that he wanted to see it when it was finished. I was able to show him before I clocked in the other day and he pointed out that he would ask me to make him one too, but his dog would probably eat it.